What is an NFT?

You probably have heard about NFT’s. NFT stands for "non-fungible token."  A token is a "key" that is being created by the artist and is attached to a digital file. With that token, the artist and the collector can prove ownership, show the value and owner history of a piece what makes it similar to the physical art market. At a basic level, an NFT is a digital asset that links ownership to unique physical or digital items, such as fine art images or animation.

Imagine the original painting of ‘De Nachtwacht’. We know there is this one original ‘Nachtwacht’. You can take a photo of it. Post it to Instagram and it will be not worth a penny. But if you own the original painting it’s worth millions. As said the market is changing and this is going to be the future. There are also auction houses like Sotheby’s or Christie’s starting to collect NFT’s. A Digital artist Beeple sold "Everyday’s - the First 5000 Days" for $69.3 million through a Christie's auction. Selling NFT’s has been a lucrative business in the art world and there is an interesting revolution going on, where artists and collectors meet. The artists and collectors in the net community are super positive and supportive.

NFT will be the future for collecting digital art and supporting your favourite artists. I am very thankful for being a part of it and am looking forward to meeting many new artists as well as collecting art to support other artists. You have the chance to own a unique piece of digital art. There are various platforms that allow collecting my nft’s. Click on the images underneath to see on what platform the collection holds a base.




ABOUT Claire Droppert

Claire Droppert is a photographer whose work celebrates serenity, simplicity, and silence. She is drawn to desolate spaces, landscapes, and open expanses of coastlines. Her focus on minimalistic subjects, combined with her unique editing style results in her signature dreamy, ethereal look. Her images have earned her over 335,000 Instagram followers and her work has appeared in publications, including Discovery magazine, The Huffington Post, Wired, ABCNews, This is Colossal, BOOOOOM, and Fubiz.

